We have an extensive range of generators available for sale or rent, as well as ancillary equipment. We can provide a power solution to power the largest hospital or shopping centre down to a small event, anywhere within Australia or overseas. Southern Generators & Electrical provide expert service and maintenance of generators, whether on-site or in our workshops.

Southern Generators & Electrical have been specialists in the event hire industry for over 17 years, with branches in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Newcastle and Canberra.
SGH specialises in providing power for large scale events that require an independant source of power through on-site generators and ancilliary equipment.
Southern Generators & Electrical have been specialists in the event hire industry for over 17 years, with branches in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Newcastle and Canberra.
SGH specialises in providing power for large scale events that require an independant source of power through on-site generators and ancilliary equipment.
SGH are trusted by many government & commercial organisations to provide their power needs, including Local Councils, the Department of Environment & Primary Industries, CFA, Melbourne Water, Hunter Water, Power Utility providers & many more..
Our power solutions can be tailored to any customer requirement, with out team of electrical engineers, diesel mechanics, electricians, technicians and fabrication engineers, we are able to provide full turn-key solutions